Sunday, September 28, 2008

Salernitano Wedding

I've recently been given the privilege of practicing alongside with one of the most prestigious photographers in the whole of Italy, Armando Cerzosimo. I must admit that this experience had a very profound impact on my style and my view of photography in general. I learned as much as I could in the little time that I had and combined everything with what I held as principles to that point and came up with a new definition for myself that I'd like to share with you, the people that will be going through my blog.
Today's photos I took during one of Armando's shoots of a wedding in the old part of Salerno. Thanks to him, Pietro - his son, and vtud - my brother, for what i think are some great pictures. Enjoy..

Best of luck and have fun..

Monday, November 26, 2007

Long time no post..

As it were I'm currently in a state of being that's not that productive. Yeah.. Everyone's got these.. Some more shitty then others, but still.. it's awful.. This is definitely not a brag or weep blog so the remorse and guilt stops here.

A lot has happened lately and I'm just going to name a few of the things that are worth mentioning..
First of all I'm proud to announce that in a few days I'll b uploading on iTunes the first episode of what is now being called "Project Monkey Business". Lovely name if I may say so myself.. It's basically a podcast about nothing in particular, a place where my friend Aidan and I, will be talking about general things that are happening all around.. We're going to have technology, brag/weep, photography and many many other topics like that. We're going to shoot it back at my place in good-old Bucharest and there's definitely going to be beer involved in the making.. So for all you dudes and dudets out there that are reading this, check us out.. I'll b updating the blog with a link where u will be able to find it.
In other news, I'm so happy to announce that I'm getting a dog! Yup! A lovely Golden Retriever, whose name is going to be Joey. Why Joey?.. Well it's definitely related to Joey Tribianni from the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. . I chose from several names but I guess this hit the spot just right. So be sure to check out my Flickr page next week if u want to see cool snapshots of Joey..

OK.. That's enough of that for now. Here's some new material I've been working on, that's already been posted on dA. These were taken at La Défense in Paris and they're kind of a new Minimalist approach that I tried. Be sure to let me know what you think..

All we need is each-other
Perfect angles
The little we have left

That being said, best of luck and take care..

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Enjoying spring!

I think spring is remarkable. Spring releases all the good and blissful energy tucked away during the ugly and cold winter. Yeah it's a cliché, but you have just got to be the most insensitive human being on earth to chose to look the other way at the sight of a beautiful flower, or a meadow full of beautiful flowers or a blooming tree, to neglect the sound of a bumble bee's wings and the smell of grass.

'Gorgeous gorgeosity', is a term I first heard in the movie A Clockwork Orange, that i liked very much. What does this movie have to do with the idea of 'spring'? It's simple. Nothing. But saying it out loud, makes me think of all the things I've just told you concerning this magical time.

A lot has been written about it. I searched for an appropriate quote to enlighten my post and this is what I came up with:

"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~ Mark Twain

So? Do you feel it? No? Words just don't cut it for you? Then maybe you'll find yourself in these pictures that I took, just a couple of days ago.

Spring Lawns 1
Spring Lawns 8

À bientôt!

Monday, April 2, 2007

First post is the hardest...

Encouraged by those closest to me, I decided I should start taking into account the idea of having my own blog. I've been following up on many blogs, especially in the area of Photography and IT, but the one that kinda is my favorite, and that set the guidelines for mine, is Gabriela Sabau 's. She's a dedicated young artist, experimenting with different photography techniques and styles and that can also write some amazing stuff as well. Given the fact that I don't quite have the same writing skills and the fact that most of my emotional states end up as complete gibberish, I'll b using this post as a means of sharing some of the "knowledge" that I have acquired along the way, hoping that maybe, somehow, someway somebody will find this useful. And apart from the babbling, I'll also be including one or more photos of mine on every post, so that you'll c what I've been up to... :)

So, guess this is it for today. I'll leave you with a quote from a very special friend of mine, that I found to be deep... and true! ;)

"Happiness is as a butterfly, which when pursued is always beyond our grasp, but which, if u will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."

Vaya con Dios...